St Mary's Anglican Church Busselton
At the heart of Busselton since 1841

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Sermon: Pentecost 15. by Rev’d Earle Chamberlain
Sermon: Pentecost 14. by Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy.
Sermon: Pentecost 13. Fathers Day.
Sermon: Pentecost 12. Is Jesus calling you?
Sermon: The Crippled Woman in Luke 13.10-17
Sermon: St Mary Patronal Feast.
Sermon: Pentecost 9. The Parable of the Rich Fool.
Sermon: (Pentecost 5): "Love is our plumb-line"
Sermon: (Pentecost 4): Standing at the Threshold.
Sermon: (Pentecost 3): The Power of “but..” Luke 9.51-62
Sermon: (Pentecost 2): God cares for your inner wholeness.
Sermon: The Holy Trinity: In the Beginning was the Relationship.
Sermon: Pentecost Sunday: (John 14.8-27; Acts 2.1-21).
Sermon: (Lent 5): Mary Anoints Jesus’ Feet.
Sermon: (Lent 4). The Parable of the Prodigal Son. (Luke 15)
Sermon:(First Sunday in Lent): The 3 Temptations of Jesus (Luke 4.1-15).
Sermon: (Epiphany 7): A Pathway of Radical, Fearless Love.
Sermon: (Epiphany 6): A Pathway of Blessedness.
Sermon: (Epiphany 5): The Miraculous Catch of Fish?
Sermon (Epiphany 4): Stumbling Blocks.
Sermon: Baptism of Our Lord. (Luke 3.15-22)
Epiphany of Our Lord - the Magi. (Isaiah 60.1-6, Matthew 2.1-12).
Sermon, Boxing Day: Looking for Jesus! (Luke 2.41-52)
Sermon: A Christmas Day Reflection: (Psalm 98 Luke 2.8-20).
A Christmas Eve Invitation: Luke 2.1-14
Sermon: Advent 4: Love. (Luke 1.39-45)
Sermon: Advent 3: Joy (Luke 3.7-18)
Sermon: Advent 2: PEACE. (Luke 3.1-6).
Sermon: Advent 1, Hope. (Luke 21. 25-38).
Sermon: Christ the King: Who is King in your life?
Sermon: Pentecost 25: The Song of Hannah & Jesus’ Final Discourse
Sermon: All Saints’ Day. “I am the Resurrection & the Life.”