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St Mary's Anglican Church Busselton
At the heart of Busselton since 1841
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Sermon: Pentecost 22. Job’s response to God & Blindness in Mark.
Sermon: Pentecost 21. God & The Whirlwind, Jesus & The Cross.
Sermon: Pentecost 20. Pursuit of God & Eternal Life.
Sermon: Pentecost 19. Job & Suffering; Jesus & Divorce/Remarriage.
Sermon: Pentecost 18. The Book of Esther: “For such a time as this.”
Sermon: Pentecost 17. The Ideal Woman, the Tongue, and the Greatest.
Sermon: Pentecost 16. Wisdom, Discipleship, Faith & Works.
Sermon: Pentecost 15. Wisdom, Dogs & Favouritism.
Sermon: Pentecost 14. What is True Cleanliness & Religion?
Sermon: Pentecost 13. What are Your Building Blocks?
Sermon: (St Mary Patronal Day). The Magnificat.
Sermon: Pentecost 11. In the midst of our grief, God is with us.
Sermon: Pentecost 10. Create in me a new heart.
Sermon: Pentecost 9. What is our daily bread?
Sermon: Pentecost 8. I will build you a house.
Sermon: Pentecost 7. Embrace new beginnings and a future filled with hope and peace.
Sermon: Pentecost 6. Focus not on the thorn in the flesh, rejection, or the battle, but on God's grace.
Sermon: Pentecost 5. What do grief, sickness, stewardship have to do with bold faith?
Sermon: Pentecost 4. Battle with Giants, Battle at Sea, Battle for Our Hearts
Sermon: Pentecost 3. Having the Right Heart, Perspective & Vision for the Journey
Sermon: Pentecost 2. A Crisis of Leadership?
Sermon: Trinity Sunday.
Sermon: Pentecost Sunday
Sermon: 7th Sunday of Easter. Final Wills and Testaments
Sermon: 6th Sunday of Easter. (Mother’s Day)
Sermon: 5th Sunday of Easter. <no sermon>.
Sermon: 4th Sunday of Easter, The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23).
Sermon: 3rd Sunday of Easter. The Task & Mission of the Church.
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